Camfil Canada Air Filtration Experts Explain How to Choose Air Filters that Reduce Waste
Air filtration experts from Camfil Canada explain how to choose air filters that reduce waste.
One way to reduce waste is using a smaller air filter that can be compacted before disposal. It is also critical to use air filters designed to last longer. Depending on the application, the Durafil® ES air filter can last up to five years—less frequent replacement of the final filter results in significantly less waste. As a result, you contribute less to landfills.
The Hi-Flo® ES, which does not require a prefilter, can significantly reduce energy consumption. Depending on the application, it is guaranteed to last a certain amount of time and can last between one and two years. Instead of changing filters every six months, you will only have to change them once a year or every two years, reducing air filter waste by 25-50%.
Once an air filter has served its purpose, it can be disposed of in one of two ways. One method is incinerating them, while another is burying them in landfills.
Landfill waste is particularly problematic because, as it decomposes, it emits methane into the atmosphere and leaches lead into groundwater. Furthermore, if no oxygen is present, the waste will not decompose.
The main issue with incinerating waste is that it can emit dioxins and other harmful gases. Dioxins and furans can cause cancer and weaken the immune system. CopenHill, a clean energy plant in Denmark, burns waste and generates energy.
About Camfil Canada - Camfil is the global industry leader in clean air solutions with over 55 years' experience in the production and development of air filters and clean air solutions. The company is still family owned and managed.